Your mind map will reflect your current thoughts. Study it carefully and you will be able to explore intellectually, making room for growth. When your mind is at rest, for example when you’re sleeping, you must take note of creative realizations. These are sudden bursts of ideas and you should immediately indicate it in your mind map. You need to reconstruct your mind maps and integrate all the ideas into one map.
The goal in creating the mind map is to look for decisions, realizations, or solutions. Examine your mind map again and look for breakthroughs or new insights. Soon you will realize that all the ideas are connected with each other and you will be able to find the answer that you’re looking for through the mind maps.
In creating mind maps, you will go through the different stages. If you find difficulty in one stage, don’t give up and try to continue making the maps. Follow the step above and soon, you will have a mind map of your own. When you’re in the process of creating the maps, you will notice that you’re creative thinking is already at a high level.
Making mind maps is one way of enhancing an individual’s creative thinking. Adults find it hard to use creative thinking because they are more rational thinkers but you shouldn’t be discouraged in exploring this portion of your mind. You will soon realize that it will be the key in solving your problems and in achieving your goals.